Sunday, November 27, 2011

To My Baby Friend

Yes, Ynna Padilla, that means you.

Ynna has been my best friend ever since she moved to Pennsylvania in kindergarten. Really, it's more like she's been a part of the family

Without her, I would have sat alone in Primary and wouldn't have had near as hard of a time not laughing through almost every single prayer in the meeting (and probably some of our Young Women's meetings too--I know, I'm ashamed). I wouldn't have spent Sacrament Meetings writing notes on my black paper with my milky gel pens (so cool, I know) to give to her even though we were going to hang out for the next two hours in church. I cannot count the number of times that we would ask our moms if we could go to each others' houses after church and cannot describe the joy we felt when they occasionally said yes.  Together, we successfully butchered the words of Nephi's Courage and many other Primary songs and thought ourselves genuinely clever for the parodies.

We've had our moments, like when she didn't sit with me at our concert band party in middle school and I got mad at her or when we had a crush on the same boy in sixth grade and she got to square dance with him in gym class (he was too short for me anyway), but through thick and thin she's always been my best friend. Together, we were definitely weird and awkward (maybe I should speak for myself), but we went through it together nonetheless. 

Moving on to the next stage of our life, I became Ynna's mom in high school, driving her to dance practice, driving her home from school, driving her to school (shhh, don't tell my mom), and I was genuinely proud of my daughter. She is one of the most ambitious people I know, and when she puts her mind to something you better bet she'll do it and do it flawlessly. I have watched her grow into a beautiful young woman with such a wonderful testimony (okay, now I really sound like a mom, but I'm serious).

And did I mention she is one of the most hilarious people I know? Seriously though, I cannot say how many times I have laughed with her until it hurts. AP Euro? Chow chows? Besides, who else could bring such humor to our Jonas Brothers obsession? Oh, and our texting conversations are unparalleled. And our girls' camp skits? Don't even get me started.

More than that, I've always been awed by her fearlessness and confidence. She's never scared to try something new, or if she is she never lets it stop her. When it comes to public speaking, she is so eloquent (really she's eloquent in all she does), and I always loved when she would give a talk in church. She's beautiful and kind and giving, and I truly have been the luckiest to grow up with her over the years and to be able to see her become all that she is. 

This little post doesn't even come close to covering all that our friendship is and everything that it means to me, but it's a start. I love you, Ynna, and I hope that you have had the best birthday in the world because you truly deserve it , best friend.